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When Jacob Awoke – Lyrics


When Jacob awoke
with the sky up above
and his head on a stone, he said,
“Surely, the HOLY ONE
is here in this place
and I just didn’t know it
‘til now. 

This is none other
than the house of God
and this is the gate of heaven,
the gate of heaven,
the gate of heaven.


©Hand and Soil Music


  1. James Hunsberger
    October 21, 2014 @ 12:59 am

    When Jacob awoke, for me, is a beautiful metaphor representing the long time it took me to grow up and to realize that God has been so intimately and divinely close to each and every one of us. To wake up and to find God forever with us is simply amazing.

    I truly encourage you, Christopher, to consider producing another album as a follow up to: “Stepping In.”

    Your talent, your music, and your ministry are certainly appreciated.

    Is there another album in the making?


    • admin
      October 21, 2014 @ 3:30 pm

      Thanks, James. Amazing, yes. This passage from Genesis is such a touchstone passage for me. That sense of waking up seems to make worship – and by extension all of life – come alive.

      I am currently working on a book, but hope to record again after that. Also, the 21 songs on “Stepping In” were selected from more than 60 worship songs, not all of which were good enough to record. It may take me a while to come up with a pool from which I can choose the best. Stay tuned. Peace.


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